Adobe Cs 5.5 Yosemite Compatibility Guide
Adobe Cs 5.5 Yosemite Compatibility Chart
Before I finally pludge and upgrade to Yosemite, I wanted to make sure that someone else who is running Adobe Creative Suite 5 had done so and was still able to run those applications. I still need to use Illustrator -- honestly, I have found no application that works as well, and I really really really wanted iDraw to be that app -- but I only have version 5.whatever.
At this point, I simply can't afford the cloud subscription, but if anyone has found a drawing applications as powerful as Illustrator, or knows of some killer deal Adobe offers educators, I would be forever grateful.
Windows 10 pro 64 bit. Usually I upgrade pretty quickly, but it's my dependence on Adobe Illustrator while I complete work on diagrams for a book that holds me back. (It also seemed like the MacPorts for Yosemite took a little longer than usual to be ready.)
Adobe Cs 5.5 Yosemite Compatibility Pack
Details about Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 CS5 Design. So I cannot provide any guarantee as to its compatibility with current operating systems. Yosemite Office. The nbde reviews. Adobe has discovered the compatibility issues listed below with running Photoshop CC 2015 with Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan). We recommend that customers do their own testing on a non-production partition to ensure that new operating systems work with their current hardware and drivers.