- There has to be a cable that connects two pins in the controller Arduino; the one called 5Vdc with the QVdc of the pins you are going to use. A power supply (12-24 Vdc) is needed to power up your programmable logic controller (PLC) apart of the USB connection from it to your computer.
- HueHue Open source LED controler App for Windows, Arduinos and various RGB Devices. HueHue is a simple LED controler based on Arduino and open-source libraries aimed for PC cases, tables, decoration and any place where you want to put Windows PC-controled LED kits.
A Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulating optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals combined with polarizers. It is very common to use them to get and upgrade electronic systems and display the results. In this blog we are going to talk about how to use them using the I2C communications of your PLC controller.
Best Open Source Drone Projects ArduPilot. Full disclosure: This is my favorite project. Ardupilot was one of the early pioneers of open source drone software. The project began on Arduino hardware (hence the “Ardu” part), and has grown into a powerhouse in the drone industry. The P1AM-100 industrial controller is programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The C programming environment is emerging in industrial automation. This software is open-sourced and available free of charge. It will run on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
Hardware requirements
Any of our industrial Programmable Logic Controllers
A liquid crystal LCD (In this example we will be using a 16x2)
I2C interface module and I2C wire
How to connect it?
There are a lot of liquid-crystal displays in the market; in our case we will be using a 16x2 size DEM 16215 an HW-061 I2C interface module. For the industrial Arduino PLC we will use an M-Duino 50RRA+ WiFi/BT.
We will provide a 24V power to the PLC Arduino that will provide 5V to power the LCD. The LCD has 16 pins but we will only use a total of 12 as we will be work with a 4 bit data length interface. The pins that we will use for the characters are the ones 11 to 14.
Look for the I2C communication pins on the side of the controller Arduino since you will connect the SCL and SDA pins of the PLC to those of the I2C module. Then using the I2C wire you will connect the LCD display. Depending on your components, check out the documentation to know the pins to connect between the LCD and the I2C module.